Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My journey in blackness

I remember when at one point of my life i hated my skin, 
I had the darkness that would fade into the shadows at night fall, 
I hated when I walked down the street and boys would come my light skinned friends where the ones they would call, 
I hated the way it never got light but grew darker as the seasons changed, 
I hated how when I was bruised it would grow darker and my natural state would remain the same, 
I wanted to know what is the curse I had destined upon my self, 
why is my skin so dark and my hair thick and course other than the beautiful light skined girls with long beautiful hair and all the boys to parden their flaws for ways to attract them, 
At times I would cry because I couldn't fathom the reason why i had a curse set upon myself and my history until one day ... 
I stopped... 
I realized... 
I'm not the only one, 
I'm not the only one with this slave face these slave hands and this history through the roots of my skin, 
I am a woman of pride, dignitiy, compassion, love, honor and trust, 
My skin is dark because of the sun that kissed my ancestors skin during their enslavement, 
My hair is course because it signifies my roots and the route long traveled to get to the promise lands of my ancestory, 
My eyes are small and slanted to see everything at every angle and never miss a beat, 
My nose is big so i can seek the weak and pull to the strong, 
My body is strong to with hold anything the world has to through at it and to come from the epitomy of and evil and stand on my worn feet from the long journey ahead of me, 
My heart, 
My heart is the element of the Black Woman because in it lies the love for my Lord and Savior and my love for him for taking the time out to make me full of the roots and deep within my Black culture and called me..."A Black Woman".. 

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