Thursday, March 20, 2014

King Jeff

My Kingdom: Self-Love, Advocacy, and Visibility by Jeff Perkins 

Twitter: @blackqueermouth

Instagram: blackqueertongue 

Facebook: Jeff Perkins (jmperkins) 



My name is Jeff Perkins, I’m 23 years old, a native from Kansas City, Missouri, a recent
graduate from the University of Missouri-Columbia and I am a Black queer writer and artist.
When it comes to Kingdom Building I think of what’s important to how I build and become
aware of my identity. Identity is the most important thing to have for everyone, it shapes not only
how you see yourself, but also how you relate to others and your surroundings. Growing up in
Kansas City, I always felt like an enigma to myself, my family, and even my friends. Because of
the things that made me who I am growing up, the way I carried myself, my body image, my
interests, I developed a lot of problematic internalization of my identity.
As I got older, I learned to break and unlearn these patterns and beliefs and shame I had
about myself. I learned that my identity is one to be celebrated and one to worthy to be shared.
Being both Black and queer, I live within an ever-changing intersection that conflicts beautifully
and also arduously. While I celebrate who I am, I also recognize the strain of oppression I face
because of my race, sexuality, and class. There’s a multi-consciousness I dwell within, being able
to see all facets of myself and where they are placed and viewed within a sociological lens.

Because of this cognizance, I seek to be an advocate for those who identify as I do and also
 encourage visibility within the world we live in.
The way I seek to build and create visibility of marginalized identities for Queer People
of Color (QPOC), is through creative spaces and media outlets. As a young creative person, I
immerse myself in literature, music, and visual art seeking to understand how they are
commentaries on the world around us. I, myself, am a writer and artist and as I grow within my
creativity, I want my work to be representative of identities unseen throughout society. Because
having a great foundation in your identity is important, it is vital that we celebrate who we are
and make others aware of who we are. The media, which can include television, visual and
performance art, books, magazines, social networks, and more are wonderful ways to promote
visibility of identity.
To often, society is draped in one dominating image, which for people like myself and
others, cannot identify with. I feel it is my duty as a Kingdom Builder to create a space where
intersectional identities can grow and be understood. The day we all start to realize who we are,
is not something to be ashamed of, but revered and adored is where the healing can begin. It’s
where love can begin. My kingdom is not a castle built to house portraits of merely myself, it’s
here to reflect others who cannot see themselves clearly. It’s a kingdom where we all are the
painters of our identity.

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