So everyone is bugging about the casting of the late great Aaliyah in the new lifetime biopic. Zendaya Coleman has been cast as Aaliyah. Some of the controversy around this is 1. She's not black 2. She does not look like her 3. Who is she? etc. Honestly, at first I was like who the hell is she, she doesn't look like her and wth! Then I though to myself. This is loooooonnnnngggg over due. Aaliyah was a beautiful spirit, a talented signer, and a wonderful person. Beyond all of her external looks (Beyond Beautiful). I don't know Zendaya but she had better embody all of that. Make-up can get her to the visual portion. Getting back to the part when I said I don't know her, understand, I don't listen to a lot of this new stuff. I've seen her at NYFW and I've also listened to her song and her voice is not as mature but then again she's only 17-18 y.o. If I were in her shoes I would be honored as hell to play such a phenomenal star.
When I discussed this with friends they feel as though race and skin pigmentation should not even be a factor. Agreed, but, I really had my favorite pic as Teyana Taylor. I love her style, her voice, she's just great. Her friend, TyroneBee on IG, leaked some of her audition tapes (listed below). Teyana just embodies that Tomboy style Aaliyah had. I'm not so sure about the sweetheart and everything else Aaliyah was internally.
At the end of the day no one will ever be satisfied of someone trying to play the part of someone so great. The bottom line is someone is doing it and it needs to be done so whomever does it holds a great position and critics will be watching and jotting notes but know you did it for her.
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