Thursday, August 22, 2013

Queen Kyleigh


I didn’t always have a Queendom. At a very young age the world told me I can’t “have it all”. Not that anyone knows what that means because surely “it all” is different to each of us, but nonetheless I formed my life around this thought. I was always conscious of how the world saw me, only choosing the most significant of things to do and become. But forget that YOLO you only live once right? Time taught me we are meant to live every day. Every day we get the chance to have it all. To choose happiness and share our light. For me, my happiness and light comes from the greatest Queen I know, my mother. She once shared with me a quote she found that said “reared as we were in a beauty-oriented society, we measured ourselves by our ornamental value.” Not the value of our dreams, of our heart, or the value WE see in ourselves but our ornamental value. The physical value that others give to us. I dream that my girls and the Queens of tomorrow will surround themselves with dreamers and doers, with dancers and believers and thinkers and survivors. Those who see the greatness within them even when they don’t see it in themselves. You can have it all because “it all” comes from within you. It comes from how you build our Queendom. Let your Queendom be a place of light, hope, and perseverance. The world is greedy and will take and destroy a Queendom that is not well protected, so surround yourself with warriors. With soldiers that help you build and more importantly repair your queedom. After all a Queen is not a Queen without an empire. My Queendom was never gone, only lost. Find yours.
-  K

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